Axon Enterprise experienced a significant stock drop after an analyst rating change. The split between Axon and Flock Safety has altered market dynamics, spurring competition. Despite current volatility, Axon forecasts over 30%
Biotechnology stocks are volatile but show promise for recovery. The sector stagnated after the COVID-19 boom, with few mergers or IPOs. Viking Therapeutics, Inc.
Nvidia, провідна сила в галузі штучного інтелекту, знаходиться на вирішальному етапі зі своїм очікуваним звітом про прибутки, який може суттєво вплинути на технологічну індустрію.
Zoom Video Communications is focusing on AI-driven transformations to enhance productivity and user experience. The Zoom AI Companion has seen a 68% increase in
Nvidia has experienced an 800% rise in value, yet anticipation grows for further growth driven by its AI chip market dominance. The forthcoming Blackwell
In the post-COVID-19 era, Salesforce, Inc. (NYSE:CRM) has reestablished itself as a robust player among high-growth mega-cap stocks. Salesforce leverages AI technology to enhance
GitLab Inc. demonstrates impressive market performance in 2025 with 31% year-on-year revenue growth, achieving $196 million in Q3. The company’s success is driven by
Nvidia очікує доходу у фінансовому році між $42,5 мільярда та $43 мільярда, що зумовлено в основному її підрозділом дата-центрів. Стратегічний поворот компанії до плат
Amphenol boasts a strong ROE of 25%, significantly above the industry average of 10%. The company reinvests 75% of its earnings, fueling continuous income
Boeing is considering the sale of Insitu, a strategic move to focus on core strengths and divest non-essential ventures. Insitu, known for its reliable